Planned Parenthood Votes and Priorities USA Launch Ad Buy Attacking Trump On Women’s Health
For Immediate Release: Oct. 7, 2016
First Time Groups Have Partnered Exclusively on Ad Buy Attacking Trump In General Election
Ad Part of a Seven-Figure Buy Targeting Swing Women in North Carolina, Nevada, and Pennsylvania
Washington, DC --- Planned Parenthood Votes announced today that, in partnership with Priorities USA, they will be going up with an ad buy hitting Trump in North Carolina, Nevada and Pennsylvania. The ads are part of a seven-figure campaign to go after swing women voters in key states seen as up for grabs in the 2016 election.
The ads go after Trump for his dangerous statements and proposed policies on women’s health – using his own words on how he’ll ban abortion, defund Planned Parenthood, and make sure Roe v. Wade is overturned. The ad buy marks the first time the two groups have partnered exclusively to attack Trump with a paid ad buy in the 2016 general election.
Quote from Deirdre Schifeling, Executive Director of Planned Parenthood Votes:
“This is the most anti-woman ticket we’ve seen in decades. Donald Trump would ban abortion, defund Planned Parenthood, and even make it more difficult to access birth control. His running mate Mike Pence has been on a personal crusade to end women’s access to basic health care for a decade -- putting countless women at risk in his home state of Indiana and nationwide. We will not let Mike Pence and Donald Trump strip rights away from the women of America. Planned Parenthood Votes will not rest until every eligible voter knows just how dangerous Trump and Pence would be for this country.”
Quote from Anne Caprara, Executive Director, Priorities USA:
“Donald Trump’s history of making disparaging and offensive remarks about women is unmatched. To him, women are ‘disgusting’ ‘fat pigs’ who deserve to be punished for having an abortion, are ‘dangerous’ if they work outside the home, and are second-class citizens in the workplace. We’re proud to stand with Planned Parenthood Votes in holding Donald Trump accountable and ensuring he never becomes our president.”
The targeted digital ads will go up Monday, October 10, and will run through Election Day, running on mobile and desktop pre-roll, display, Facebook, and Instagram. They primarily target swing women voters for whom access to reproductive health care is an important issue — key voters to reach in the at-play states of North Carolina, Nevada, and Pennsylvania. This comes one week after a series of PPP polls found that in all three states opposition to Planned Parenthood was a decisive issue for voters — and that a majority of voters, including a majority of independent voters — stated they were LESS likely to vote for a candidate who wants to defund Planned Parenthood.
The ads also mark the ramping up of Planned Parenthood Votes’ strategy in North Carolina — a state that until just two weeks ago was not on the group’s list of federal targets. Yet after Trump’s poor performance in the state, and an overwhelming response from voters, the group elevated it to a top priority. Planned Parenthood Action PAC North Carolina announced the launch of its massive seven-figure electoral program in North Carolina at the same time Planned Parenthood Votes announced a six-figure digital ad buy.
Donald Trump has run a campaign rooted in the dismissal and disregard for women’s health and lives. Trump once said that women should be punished for having an abortion. He has repeatedly said he supports blocking patients from accessing health care, saying he’s “for defunding Planned Parenthood, very strongly.” He has said he wants to end access to safe, legal abortion and that being anti-abortion would be a litmus test for Supreme Court nominees. Trump promised that in his first 100 days as president, he’d start to repeal Obamacare, stripping women of no-copay birth control, which has benefitted more than 55 million women. He proposed an over-the-counter birth control plan that could actually make it harder and more expensive for women to access birth control. His child-care and maternity-leave plan was widely criticized for excluding many families, fathers, gay couples, and single mothers, including those who most need help. He has even said that equal pay for equal work could be “a negative.” He also promised, on August 11, 2015, that he “will have a position on it in the not-too-distant future.” More than a year later, he still hasn’t released one.