Planned Parenthood Votes Launches New CO TV Ad; Continues Campaign to Educate/Mobilize Voters
For Immediate Release: Sept. 30, 2014
New TV Ad Highlights Cory Gardner’s Dismal Record on Birth Control/Abortion, Makes Clear “Women’s Health” Is Not an Abstract Issue
DENVER-- As part of their $400,000 TV ad buy, Planned Parenthood Votes rolled out its second TV ad in the Denver media market this week. The ad, part of the Women are Watching campaign, is a direct response to Cory Gardner’s recent attempt to hide from his dismal record on women’s health. It points out that he would ban safe and legal abortion and that his recent calls to make birth control available over-the-counter could force women to go back to the days of paying up to $600 a year.
You can view the 30-second TV ad here:
“Women’s health’ is not an abstract concept created in a conference room in Washington, DC. It’s a reality for women in their daily lives,” said Dawn Laguens, executive vice president, Planned Parenthood Votes. “Voters want to know where their elected officials stand on issues like access to safe and legal abortion and affordable birth control — and Planned Parenthood Votes will make sure they know where the candidates stand. That’s why we’re giving them the facts about Cory Gardner’s dangerous and out-of-touch record and agenda for women’s health.”
Planned Parenthood advocacy and political groups have been running their largest ever electoral effort in Colorado this year to ensure women know exactly where the candidates for U.S. Senate stand on birth control, abortion, and funding for the preventive care that Planned Parenthood health centers provide to one in five women in her lifetime.
“It comes down to respect. And Cory Gardner doesn’t respect women to make our own health care decisions,” said Cathy Alderman, Planned Parenthood Votes Colorado vice president of public affairs. “If Cory Gardner doesn’t trust Colorado women to make our own health care decisions, then we can’t trust him to stand up and fight for us in the U.S. Senate.”
In Colorado, NBC News poll numbers show a full 70 percent of Colorado voters say they are less likely to vote for a candidate who wants to restrict access to birth control and 67 percent of Colorado voters are less likely to support a candidate that supports restrictions on abortion. National polling shows that 57 percent of women voters say they would be more likely to support a candidate like Mark Udall who opposes allowing employers like Hobby Lobby to refuse to cover birth control. Additionally, national polling shows that drop-off voters were motivated by the chance to vote against anti-women’s health politicians (70 percent very motivating), even more so than they were by the chance to vote for pro-women’s health candidates (66 percent very motivating). Lastly, post-election polling from 2012 shows that voters trust Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations when they speak about issues affecting their health and rights.
The ad script reads:
A message from Planned Parenthood Votes.
A lot has been said about women’s health recently – we want you to know the facts.
Fact is politician Cory Gardner could ban abortion including in cases of rape.
Gardner’s plan could go back to costing the average women up to $600 for birth control.
And Gardner’s forcing his politics between a woman and her doctor.
Because it is important to know the facts Planned Parenthood Votes recommends filling out your ballot for Senator Mark Udall and Planned Parenthood Votes is responsible for the contents of this advertising.
Planned Parenthood Votes has endorsed Mark Udall in his bid for U.S. Senate. He is a steadfast supporter of women’s health and rights and has the record to prove. See his 100 percent voting record on the Planned Parenthood Votes scorecard here. You can learn more about the candidates’ positions on the Women are Watching page here.