President-elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris Will Be Reproductive Health Care Champions for Everyone
For Immediate Release: Nov. 7, 2020
WASHINGTON, DC — In an incredible victory for the country, including 16 million Planned Parenthood supporters and all who believe in sexual and reproductive health for all, President- elect Joe Biden and Vice President-elect Kamala Harris have won the 2020 election.
Statement from Alexis McGill Johnson, president, Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
“As we celebrate today, we are beginning a new chapter: one where we take full control of our bodies, our rights, our democracy, and our futures. The work does not end, because our fight to protect and expand health care for millions of Planned Parenthood supporters, patients, and global partners cannot let up for even a moment. Voters’ voices were loud and clear, and they elected a new president, who is fully committed to protecting access to sexual and reproductive health care — including access to abortion.
“We are also very excited to have the first woman, the first Black person, and the first person of Indian descent in the history of our nation as vice president-elect of the United States.
Throughout her career, Vice President-elect Kamala Harris has been a steadfast champion for reproductive rights and health care. With the election of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris, America will be in the hands of leaders who are deeply committed to advancing and expanding reproductive rights. Planned Parenthood Action Fund will be ready to work with them on day one.”
The majority of voters in this country sent a resounding message in this election, demanding a more fair and just society with timely access to health care, including sexual and reproductive care. Voters made Donald Trump a one-term president, making him the first incumbent president to be defeated in nearly three decades.
Americans were clear about where they stood even before this election: nearly nine in 10 women in this country will use birth control in their lifetimes, 77% of Americans don’t want to see Roe v. Wade overturned, 70% of Americans favor ending the global gag rule, and a majority of young people — across political parties — support federal funding for abortions even though it is currently prohibited by the Hyde Amendment.
Beyond reclaiming the White House for leaders who will fight for their health and rights and build a better future for all of us, the people harnessed the power of their ballots to send other powerful messages.
They voted out two abortion opponents and replaced them with pro- reproductive health champions in Arizona and Colorado. They also defeated an abortion ban in Colorado and voted to expand sex education in Washington State. And while we don’t yet know the results of many elections, we do know the pro-reproductive health majority in the U.S. House of Representatives is here to stay.
Upon taking office, the Biden administration must end the global and domestic gag rules so that health care providers and patients can speak freely about all reproductive health care options; propose a budget that reflects a commitment to sexual and reproductive health — including ending the Hyde and Helms amendments; nominate reproductive health champions to executive branch positions and judicial seats; and more. A coalition of bold, progressive organizations developed “First Priorities for the Blueprint for Sexual and Reproductive Health, Rights, and Justice,” a detailed list of executive and agency actions that Planned Parenthood Action Fund now expects the Biden administration to get to work on immediately.
Beyond reproductive health, the new Biden-Harris administration will have work to do across all policy areas. We need to truly protect people against the health and economic consequences of COVID-19 with comprehensive relief. We need to truly reckon with systemic racism, injustice, and state-sanctioned violence in this country; our new leaders have a mandate to take serious, action-oriented steps that move our society towards equity — in health care and beyond.
We need comprehensive and robust democracy reform to restore the Voting Rights Act, grant Washington, D.C. statehood, and more. The list is long but Planned Parenthood Action Fund will be there to hold this administration accountable for its promises to the American people every step of the way.
Planned Parenthood Votes, Planned Parenthood Action Fund, and local Planned Parenthood advocacy and political organizations invested $45 million in electoral programs across the country, with an emphasis on reaching women, young voters, and voters of color. The combined program contacted more than 5.5 million voters in key battleground states and reached 7.8 million people through digital ads. Our program highlighted the stark difference between Trump and Biden, and energized voters with uplifting content featuring Vice President-elect Kamala Harris. Planned Parenthood Votes debuted a first-of-its-kind 50-State Virtual Volunteer Organizing Program to recruit, train, and mobilize thousands of people to talk to voters through relational organizing, phone banking, and text banking. We also fact checked in real time during the Republican National Convention and the presidential debates, while amplifying Biden’s plan for health care and sexual and reproductive health after the Democratic National Convention and throughout the COVID-19 pandemic. Planned Parenthood Votes joined coalitions such as Win Justice and worked within key battleground states to give Biden the 270 electoral votes needed to win this election.
Planned Parenthood Action Fund is an independent, nonpartisan, not-for-profit membership organization formed as the advocacy and political arm of Planned Parenthood Federation of America. The Action Fund engages in educational, advocacy and electoral activity, including grassroots organizing, legislative advocacy, and voter education.