Remember When Mike Pence Tried To Redefine Rape?
For Immediate Release: July 21, 2016
American women don’t want or need anyone telling them what rape is — But Mike Pence has certainly tried.
ICYMI: Mike Pence Tried to Redefine Rape in Order to Ban Abortion
Key points:
In Congress, Pence co-sponsored a bill that would have redefined rape and limited federal funding for abortion to women who suffered “forcible rape”—what Akin famously described as “legitimate rape” when he doomed his 2012 Senate bill. Pence is also the guy who began the GOP’s ugly and so far unsuccessful crusade to defund Planned Parenthood, back in 2007.
Since becoming governor in 2013, Pence has signed various anti-abortion bills and succeeded in defunding Planned Parenthood in his state. That helped lead to a devastating resurgence of HIV/AIDS, since Planned Parenthood was one of a few providers of HIV testing in the state.
Unfortunately, there’s not much daylight between Trump and Pence on the issue of Planned Parenthood.
Read the full article here: