Statement on Donald Trump’s Sexist, Homophobic Campaign CEO Steve Bannon
For Immediate Release: Aug. 30, 2016
Washington, DC –– The man Donald Trump has chosen to be his “campaign CEO,” Steve Bannon, turns out to have a long record of hateful rhetoric and actions in addition to his work as the head of Breitbart. This week, we’ve learned that Bannon was once sued for mistreating and then firing an employee for having a baby, accused in a separate lawsuit of sexual harassment, and that, just like Trump himself, Bannon has used disgusting slurs to insult women.
Quote from Dawn Laguens, Executive Vice President, Planned Parenthood Action Fund:
“Trump chose an unapologetically sexist, racist, homophobic man to lead his campaign. It is disgraceful that Trump picked someone with those values, and that if elected, he could bring those values to the White House. It shows us again that Trump doesn't understand or respect the majority of the people he wants to lead, and that's why women are going to defeat him and his toxic agenda this November.”