Video: Virginia Doctor Stresses Importance of Keeping Ken Cuccinelli Out of the Governor’s Mansion
For Immediate Release: Oct. 31, 2013
Video: Virginia Doctor Stresses Importance of Keeping Ken Cuccinelli Out of the Governor’s Mansion
“Ken Cuccinelli’s political agenda has nothing to do with science or medical evidence. That’s dangerous and that is wrong for Virginia.”
You can watch the video here
WASHINGTON, DC — As “Get Out the Vote” efforts kick off, Planned Parenthood Votes released a new video today featuring a Virginia doctor warning voters about the dangers of politicians like Ken Cuccinelli who want to interfere in personal, private health care decisions that should be left between a woman and her doctor. The video is part of the Keep Ken Out campaign to educate and mobilize Virginia voters around women’s health in advance of the election onNovember 5.
You can watch the video here.
In the video, Wendy states, “as a physician, I know that women deserve to be respected and trusted to make their own decisions,” and “Ken Cuccinelli’s policies would restrict a woman’s access to safe and legal abortion even in the case of rape, incest, or if her health is in danger.” The video ends with “Ken Cuccinelli has no right trying to make these medical decisions. His political agenda has nothing to do with science or medical evidence. That’s dangerous and that is wrong for Virginia.”
“With less than a week until Election Day, we want to make sure Virginia voters know exactly where Ken Cuccinelli stands on women’s health and the dangerous impact his policies would have on Virginia women’s access to safe and legal abortion,” said Cianti Stewart-Reid, executive director of Planned Parenthood Virginia PAC. “Virginia women don’t want politicians like Ken Cuccinelli interfering in our private, personal medical decisions. The bottom line is that a woman, not politicians, should make decisions when it comes to her own pregnancy in consultation with her doctor, her family and her faith. That’s what we’re hearing at the doors and on the phones and why we’ll continue talking to voters about his dangerous record and agenda on women’s health in the days before the election.”
The video is part of a series highlighting the impact that Cuccinelli’s positions would have on real Virginia women. You can watch the first video featuring Leslie from Roanoke here. It highlights Cuccinelli’s attacks on the birth control benefit. Another featuring Vanessa of Richmond highlights Cuccinelli’s attacks on Planned Parenthood and women’s preventive care. You can watch that one here.
Cuccinelli holds some of the most extreme views on women’s health by any major party candidate in years and polling shows that these views are costing him significantly with women (and a broad cross-section of voters).
Paid for by Planned Parenthood Votes and Planned Parenthood Virginia PAC in support of Terry McAuliffe. Authorized by Terry McAuliffe candidate for Governor.