No matter who we are or where we live, we all deserve the freedom to make the best health care choices for ourselves and our families. By coming together as voters, we can ensure that WE decide if, when, and how to grow our families.
We Have the Power to Control Our Future
James Ruchti (D)
State Senate, District 29
In the Idaho State House, Ruchti has championed LGBTQ+ and reproductive rights. He cosponsored the "Add the Words" bill, which would add protections to the Idaho Human Rights Act. He is dedicated to increasing access to health care and voted to expand access to birth control.
Ruchti has pledged to fight for Idahoans' right to make decisions about their own reproductive health without government interference, and to protect birth control and other essential health care.
Vote by November 8th to send him to the Senate!
David Worley (R)
State Senate, District 29
Worley supports enforcing abortion restrictions with "the full force of law" and celebrated the overturning of Roe v. Wade. He opposes access to gender affirming health care and has furthered anti-LGBTQ+ conspiracy theories.
Worley maintains these positions despite describing the right to bodily autonomy as a fundamental right. Idaho law must protect people's right to access the medical they need, he says, and "ensure that doctors can practice medicine without fear of persecution."
Idahoans deserve leaders who will genuinely protect their right to make their own decisions about their bodies and lives. Vote by November 8th to keep David Worley out of the State Senate!
District 29
James Ruchti (D)
State Senate, District 29
Mary Shea (D)
State House, District 29A
Nate Roberts (D)
State House, District 29B
Statewide Office
Terri Pickens Manweiler (D)
Lieutenant Governor
Paid for and authorized by Planned Parenthood Votes Idaho PAC, PO Box 641, Boise, ID 83701.