Statement on Governor Otter’s Decision to Sign HB 638
Mistie Tolman, Idaho Public Affairs Manager, (208) 861-4371;
Katie Rogers, Communications Manager, (206) 328-7705
For Immediate Release: March 22, 2018 (Updated: March 22, 2018, 11:34 p.m.)
BOISE – Today, Governor Otter signed House Bill 638, the Abortion Complications Reporting Act, into law. This far-reaching bill will require providers report many medical conditions that have no relationship to abortions at all - breast cancer, a missed ectopic pregnancy, unwillingness by the patient to come to follow-up appointments, or having the placenta covering the cervix in a future pregnancy. A requirement that doesn’t exist for any other health condition. In addition, Governor Otter signed Senate Bill 1243 into law this week, which will require providers to inform patients where they can obtain assistance in locating a health care provider with whom they can consult about reversing a medication abortion, an unproven procedure with no basis in science.
Statement from Mistie Tolman, Idaho Legislative Director at PPVNH:
“Governor Otter, your decision to sign immoral and likely unconstitutional bills is irresponsible and abhorrent. Together, this legislation shows that Idaho politicians are committed to putting every barrier possible between a woman and her legal health care. These bills shouldn’t have passed in the first place as they have no basis in science and medicine. We deserve more.
"The State of Idaho recently defended itself against two politically motivated abortion restrictions in court and lost. This week the legislature stopped a bill that would provide family planning services to low-income women, in addition to signing two intolerable and dangerous bills that will harm women. Why Idaho legislators and the Governor decided to risk yet another costly lawsuit by passing legally questionable laws like HB 638 and SB 1243 is unclear and foolish. The bottom line is that politicians should never come between a woman and her doctor, but they seem committed to doing just that.”